On Wednesday 09 March 2011 02:20:29 am carlos henrique de souza junior wrote:
> hello guys my name is carlos
> I'm starting to uDig and am with some doubts
> how do I create a line and put this information online, to appear in
> the view INFORMATION?
> could you inform me how this is done or direct me where to study on this?
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)
> http://udig.refractions.net
> http://lists.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/udig-devel
Looks like your question is as user, so the reply is:
- create a layer (layer>create) , selecting LineString as geometry (add the additional fields)
- Select this new layer in the layer View.
- Select "Create Line too"l and click the mouse's left button to create the line's vertexes. Finish the action with double click or enter.
If your question is as developer, you should have a look in the
"LineTool class", it is in /net.refractions.udig.tool.edit/src/net/refractions/udig/tools/edit/impl
Mauricio Pazos
www.axios.es |