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Re: [udig-devel] Dxf and rendering

Hi Wendy,

When an exception occurs in LiteRenderer it is caught by udig and wrapped in a
RenderException.  Look for Caused by lines in the stack trace.  Also attaching
an exception would really help.


Quoting "Edwards,  Wendy A ERDC-CERL-IL  Contractor"

> Hi, I've gotten the code to get the layers out of the Dxf files, but it's
> having some rendering issues.  Specifically, it's throwing an exception in
> the BasicFeatureRenderer render(Graphics2D, Envelope, IProgressMonitor)
> method.  It looks like it's specifically having a problem at the line
> lite.paint(graphics, paintArea, validBounds);
> I'm wondering if the problem could be occurring in the processStylers method
> in LiteRenderer.  Any ideas about what could be happening?  I checked in the
> latest code.
> Thanks,
> Wendy
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> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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