Hello everybody.
I've submitted a patch last night for configuring tycho-document-bundle plugin to include/exclude packages by name when building the options file for JavaDoc:
Our use case: a customer wanted to extend and build its own variant(s) of an Eclipse RCP application we developed. So we packaged an SDK (sort of).
Thanks to tycho-document-bundle we were able to generate and collect the JavaDoc of all plug-ins included in the SDK with very simple configuration.
We also nedeed to exclude some packages from javadoc processing (eg.: all *.internal.* stuff), and it sounded natural to me to do it by configuring tycho-document-bundle, but I wasn't able to find a way with current implementation.
My proposal is to (optionally) specify include/exclude filters as follows:
Accepted wildcard is '*', multiple package names are separated by ':'.
This is my first proposal/contribution ever in a project like this, so any feedback is really welcome :)