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Re: [tycho-dev] Performance issue with root data files

The real bug here is that Tycho allowed resources outside of project
basedir. This should have been rejected with a clear error message.


On 12-01-25 11:46 AM, Dahanne, Anthony wrote:
Hello Tycho devs,
This morning, we found out, with a colleague of mine, that if you add such a root file definition in your :

then tycho is going to recursively scan the ../../ directory, in search of

The method executed is FileSet.recursiveScan , called from RootFilePatternParser.addFilesFromPatterns

So this behavior (recursively scanning the directories) is very good when you have root file "folder"

but for a file, it could be much more efficient if, instead of recursively scanning, it picked up the right file path, and check it with addFileIfMatch(subFile, result, baseDirPath);

because, sometimes, scanning a whole filesystem for just a file, can take a long time...
Is it worth a bug creation ?

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