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[thym-dev] Application signing support

Hi all, 

I have been looking at the ways to implement application signing
support[1]. My plan is to integrate the signed application
signing to the "Export Mobile Application" wizard. I do not think we
need many places to sign an application. My initial thoughts for the
changes/additions for this functionality is as follows.

1. New extension point for collecting sign information: 
  Platforms will be able to contribute a wizard page to the export
  wizard to collect information for signing an application for the
  platform. I have studied the information Android and iOS uses for
  signing applications. Terminology, field types, number of fields
  differ a lot. So I think a customized UI, instead of a generic one
  to cater all platforms will be a much better UX. 

  Although I think it is beyond the scope of Thym, a custom UI will
  allow platforms to implement creation mechanism for certificates,
  configurations etc. needed for signing. 

2. Changes to org.eclipse.thym.core.platform.AbstractNativeBinaryBuildDelegate:
  The information collected by the above extension point will be passed
  to corresponding platform build delegate as name value pairs. Also a flag for indicating a
  signed build will be added. I expect the flag to be a change that will
  break the current API. In any case the implementation will happen on a
  topic branch so you will have time to review and react.

Unfortunately, I did not have time to look at other platforms for any
further requirements so would appreciate if BlackBerry folks could have
look and comment. 



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