Thank you for your prompt reply.
I understand that it is expected to be available in the first few months of 2024.
For your information, what are the annual membership fees and activities of the Interest Group?
I will discuss this with my supervisor.
Best regards
Tamaki Kouno
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Hi Tamaki.
Thank you for your interest in Eclipse ThreadX.
ThreadX is in a transition phase right now. It is not possible to obtain the documents at this time. We need some time to migrate the code on our side first, then deploy the infrastructure required to manage the safety
requirements. On the way, we will have to adjust our existing processes or even produce new ones. Naturally, this will take some time.
When the documents are available, we will send an announcement on this mailing list. At this point in time, we think this will happen in the first months of 2024. This timeline could change, of course.
If your company desires to participate in the discussions about how the documents will be made available, it can join the Eclipse Foundation and the ThreadX interest group. This involves paying an annual fee. Just email
me if you are interested.
Best Regards,
Dear ThredX member
I am an employee of yokogawa Electric.
I would like to obtain the safety deliverables of ThredX 6.1.1 transferred from Microsoft. I would like to know about the following
・When can I get it?
・How can I get it?
Best regards
Tamaki Kouno
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