Thanks for helping out, Matthias. Be careful... you may get volunteered to join the PMC :-)
1. We set up all projects with appropriate incubation branding to qualify for Parallel IP. So yes, Eclipse CogniCrypt is eligible.
FWIW, the IP Team takes this into consideration. They would not grant "checkin" to a project that is not eligible for Parallel IP.
Regarding the difference between Type A and Type B Due Diligence... The sorts of cursory due diligence that is done to "checkin" for third party content is basically the same as for Type A license certification. You can start using third party content that is either Type A certified or granted "checkin".
I'll take a look at the documentation to see how we can avoid future confusion.
2. You can check in project code as soon as the IP Team gives that "checkin" stamp. I'm not sure what naming convensions you mean. The semantic versioning scheme that you choose for your components is up to the project team. Any builds that you produce need to conform to the
Incubation Branding guidelines and--as milestone builds--should be labeled as such (e.g. 0.7.0M2).
3. As Matthias states, you must move those repositories into an Eclipse Foundation organization.
This process starts with an
Initial Contribution. Once you have IP Team approval, you can move your existing GitHub repositories into the Eclipse organization. You should do your onging development in the "official" Eclipse repository. You should submit that initial contribution ASAP. Let me know if you need help.