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Re: [technology-pmc] NatTable Release 1.3.0 - Request for approval

> Am 10.03.2015 um 00:56 schrieb Dirk Fauth <dirk.fauth@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > I don't think it necessarily mandates a minor release at the bundle level.
> Aren't the bundle version and the package versions somehow correlated? I mean, if I increase a package version to 1.3.0, doesn't that mean I also have to update the bundle version? Because there is a package with a higher version than the bundle? Or are package versions and bundle versions completely separated from each other. Which then means we could have a package with version 27.3.0 while our bundle version is still something like 1.3.42?
> I'm a bit confused about the versioning regarding packages and bundles now.

That's actually the confusing part (for me as well). Proper semantic versioning happens at the package level. But the bundle version is different. There are no clear rules. Thus, it should be addressed with a policy/convention that you follow as a project. On recommendation actually being given is that the bundle version should change every time you do a release. A lot Eclipse projects simply keep the bundle and feature versions aligned with the actual release version. I don't think that this is required at all. The Eclipse and Equinox projects only change the bundle version if it has been modified for the release.

Now if release version is decoupled from bundle and package version, it could be possible to issue a 1.2.4 service release with a bundle already being versioned at 1.4.0. But that adds complexity. Thus, a lot projects just keep bundle and release versions consistent.


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