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[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Charley Wang

technology PMC Members,
This automatically generated message marks the completion of voting for
Charley Wang's Committer status on the technology.linux-distros project. As
a PMC member, you can approve or disapprove this vote through your My
Foundation portal page:

Charley Wang was nominated by Andrew Overholt as follows:
As per my previous email [1] regarding the work that Charley is doing, I'd
like to nominate him as a committer on our project.  I very much favour
"get the code upstream" and "work upstream" as soon as possible.  Thus, I
would like to see the work continue to mature and integrate with our other
work ASAP and not be a big drop later down the road.

Bug with major (Eclipse legal approved) contribution:


Vote summary: 7/0/0 with 4 not voting 
  +1  Elliott Baron
   ?  Nick Boldt
   ?  Francois Chouinard
  +1  Anithra P Janakiraman
  +1  Jeff Johnston
  +1  Alexander Kurtakov
   ?  Phil Muldoon
  +1  Andrew Overholt
  +1  Xavier Raynaud
  +1  Kent Sebastian
   ?  Alphonse Van Assche

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