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Re: [technology-pmc] RE: EclipseLink: Dependent non-oss libraries

Eclipse projects are open source under the EPL, period. Eclipse projects do not rely on closed source libraries nor do they require any closed source tools to build, tests, or deploy. Thus the EclipseLink project may not include such code. Instead what you should do is create extension points in the EclipseLink framework that can be used to extend the framework to build closed source products, i.e., a product that is EclipseLink + Oracle adapter. The Oracle adapter would be a specific piece of code that Oracle provides to extend EclipseLink extension points to take advantage of Oracle JDBC specific features.

- Bjorn

Doug Clarke wrote:
My question for the PMC is with respect to how a new project should address these dependencies. Since the dependent JARs are not open source themselves it poses an interesting challenge. The build machine and any machine performing full product testing will require these libraries.
1. How is this typically addressed in Eclipse projects?

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