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[technology-pmc] contributing the changelog plugin to the linux tools project


I would like to accept the ChangeLog plugin as a contribution to the
Linux Tools project. I think this plugin fits in very well with our
project goals of creating a suite of useful plugins to aid development
on GNU/Linux.

Going through the "Eclipse Legal Process" pdf, the first stage is to get
approval from the PMC. Please consider this my request for approval. 

Kyu Lee has already opened a bug and attached a zip containing the
initial contribution: 

This plugin was developed by Phil Muldoon, both on his own time and as
part of his job at Red Hat, and by Kyu Lee as part of his job at Red
Hat. Both Red Hat and Phil Muldoon are copyright holders of this plugin
and the plugin is licenced under the EPL.

More information about this plugin can be found at its current home:

If this plugin is approved, I will be nominating Kyu Lee and Phil
Muldoon for committer status to this project.

Thanks, Ben

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