Resent from the correct email address.
From: Mary Ruddy [mailto:mary@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006
7:53 AM
To: 'Bjorn Freeman-Benson'
Cc: 'paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
'Technology PMC'
Subject: RE: Higgins Incubator
Since first becoming an Eclipse project,
the Higgins team has created:
A working and demonstrable code base - Yes including demonstrations
at a conference at Harvard in June.
Active communities:
An active framework user (plug-in provider) community.
Yes, Novell and Parity have written plug-ins for Higgins
An active tool user community - Yes, IBM and Novell have
announced their use of Higgins.
An active multi-organization committer/contributor/developer
community. Yes, Higgins has spend considerable energy and has considerable
success in attracting the involvement of multiple
The project is operating fully in the open using open source rules
of engagement, e.g.,
Open and transparent Bugzilla with a described and documented bug
process. Yes, we are using Bugzilla
Open and transparent project schedules. Yes, project schedules
are on the project website/wiki
The project has working policies and procedures for developing,
specifying, testing, and getting feedback on APIs. Yes - we have been
engaged for quite some time in collaboratively and openly developing the
Higgins IdAS API, which has been validated by recently developed plug-ins
The project decision making processes are published, and all
project decisions are being made in public. Yes, via higgins-dev, wiki and
The project team members have learned the ropes and logistics of
being an Eclipse project. In Apache
parlance, the project "gets the Eclipse way".
Conforming to the entire Eclipse Development Process. We have
made significant progress and are actively working on continuous improvement to
our processes and are now doing nightly builds.
Adherence to the Eclipse
IP Policy including self-assessment by each Committer on the committer
responsibilities and due diligence. Yes, we are actively engaged in
maintaining IP policy, have added wiki pages for tracking our component
dependencies, and are using IPzilla.
Participating in the larger Eclipse community. For example,
teaching tutorials at EclipseCon, writing articles, commenting on other
projects at Reviews and other times, etc. Yes - Higgins contributors have
presented at EclipseCon, generated significant press for Eclipse, published a
white paper on Eclipse at Harvard, attended in on other project review calls,
Working with other projects in its destination PMC. We have
been working with ECF and ALF
The project is a credit to Eclipse and is functioning well within
the Eclipse community. We hope you agree, aside from certain growing and
learning pains.
We are aware that our job is not yet
done. We are actively
Recruiting additional companies, committers and resources.....
Working on our next milestones on the way to our release 1.0
Working on improving our messaging to make it easier for
people to learn about, develop and use Higgins - For example we are midway
though a significant improvement pass on the website that includes making
additional use of the Eclipse wiki, adding a new web page listing
committers and project leadership, which is currently in test; and
adding additional project status information.
Let us know if we need to
provide you additional supporting information.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006
9:08 PM
To: Mary Ruddy
Cc: paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
Technology PMC
Subject: Re: Higgins Incubator
Mary, Paul,
The first step is to convince the Technology PMC that graduation is a good
idea. Could you summarize, in an email, for us? We meet on the phone once a
week Tuesdays at 10am PT, so it's a little short notice for tomorrow but if you
can get an email out to us, we can consider it.
- Bjorn
Mary Ruddy wrote:
When Paul and I met
with you and Mike in Ottawa, we
discussed beginning the process of moving Higgins out of incubator status.
The Higgins team held another successful two day face-to-face meeting
last week and would like to request a CheckPoint review. Are there any
projects that did a particularly good job on their CheckPoint review
presentations that we should use as a model?