Agenda for tomorrow's Technology PMC call:
First, we all agreed [1] that we would review the tutorial submissions
[2] and come to the meeting ready to make decisions. Given that the
EclipseCon process is supposed to be open and transparent, I expected
to see comments on the submissions in Eclipsezilla, but so far only
Ward has commented on only one submission. This isn't very
Dead Projects
It's time to stop being wimpy and just archive the dead Technology
projects. Here are the ones I propose that we vote to archive: ECESIS,
Projects On Notice
At the same time, I think we need to vote to give the following
projects a limited time (one month? until the end of 2006?) to get
their Eclipse websites into shape which means following the
infrastructure guidelines [3,4,5] regarding paragraphs, left menus,
etc.: Aperi, ALF, BPEL, Buckminster, ECF, Apogee, g-Eclipse, Higgins,
Mylar, OHF, Photran, EPF, PTP, RAP, Nebula, and Corona. The Dash and
Voice Tools projects are already in compliance. They've been given lots
of warnings and time to do this, so we need to decide on an action to
take if a project does not do this - for example, we could disable
their CVS and downloads.