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[technology-pmc] Re: [mylar-dev] new committer nomintation for Steffen Pingel

According to our official records, there are four committers on Mylar: yourself, Gail, Rob, and Ian. The Technology PMC needs you to hold the vote open until either (a) all (four) committers have voted or (b) at least one week has passed. As of today, neither of those conditions is true.

You could also (c) explain why Ian won't be voting (for example, he's on a six month sailing trip around the world or something) or (d) explain why Ian is no longer a committer (e.g., he was kidnapped by aliens and the aliens refused to sign the employer permission form).

- Bjorn

P.S. Also, haven't there been three +1 votes? Didn't you vote positively?

Mik Kersten wrote:

Since there have been two +1 votes and no -1 votes I am recommending Steffen to the Technology PMC for commit privileges.


Steffen: in the meantime please read the Committer Due Diligence Guidelines at




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