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[technology-pmc] [Fwd: Neil Bartlett - New Committer Request Form]

These two elections have two problems:
1. I don't recall you asking the PMC about this new component or these new committers. Did you and I have just forgotten? While the Technology PMC is generally very supportive of new components and committers, but we also need to (for legal reasons among others) approve these things.

2. The nomination email does not describe why you think these new people will be good Committers. Do they have a public reputations? Have they worked in the eRCP code base before? Etc.  Just saying "please vote them in so that they can write code" does not describe to the greater community why they should have commit rights rather than just using the bugzilla+patches route.

Thank you for clarifying these issues for us,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Neil Bartlett - New Committer Request Form
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:08:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: emo-records@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: emo-records@xxxxxxxxxxx, rogalski@xxxxxxxxxx, njbartlett@xxxxxxxxx

Dear Neil Bartlett,
1. Create a Bugzilla account for yourself using your same
   email address: njbartlett@xxxxxxxxx
   If you do not use this same email address, your Bugzilla
   permissions will not be set correctly.
2. Follow these instructions (especially item 4):
   If you have not already done so, you need to fill out a web
   form questionnaire and possibly one or two paper agreements.
   Your committer and/or bug triager account cannot be processed until these
   forms are received.
                              Thank you.


New Committer / Bug Triager Request

PMC Member: Mark Rogalski
Email: rogalski@xxxxxxxxxx

New Committer / Bug Triager Info: ===================
Election URL:
PMC Email: 

Name: Neil Bartlett
Organization: Individual
Project: eRCP

Email: njbartlett@xxxxxxxxx

CVS package List: all eRCP
Web Package List: n/a

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