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[tcf-dev] TCF rules :)

Hey gang,

First, just a reminder to sign up for the tcf-dev mailing list if you
haven't already. That needs to be our main mailing list as the dsdp
lists will be turned off eventually.

Second, just a heads up to the committers. We need to make sure we're
following the Eclipse Development Process, and in particular, make sure
we IP review all major contributions before checking them in to SVN.

There was discussion about using the Parallel IP process but that's not
something I feel we need to use and I think it actually adds overhead to
the release review process. I'd rather we review things as we put them
in and make sure it get's done. If people have big contributions they'd
like to share with the community before IP review, there's always

BTW, You may have noticed a number of contributions to TCF from Wind
River folk. We are progressing well towards a debug product based on TCF
and I'm loving how the TCF architecture is making things easy. So for
those wondering, yes, we are serious about TCF :).

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