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[sumo-user] getDistance2D Error with the Cologne map

Hi Jakob and all SUMO's users

I'm using the new version of the Cologne map, the new version of sumo (0.32.0) and TraaS. Unfortunately,  I faced the following problem when I use getDistance2D method,

Exception in thread "main"
     at it.polito.appeal.traci.protocol.ResponseMessage.<init>(Unknown Source)
     at de.tudresden.sumo.util.Query.queryAndVerify(Unknown Source)
     at de.tudresden.sumo.util.Query.queryAndVerifySingle(Unknown Source)
     at de.tudresden.sumo.util.CommandProcessor.do_job_get(Unknown Source)
     at it.polito.appeal.traci.SumoTraciConnection.do_job_get(Unknown Source)
     at MFPS_TSPV2.TSP(
     at MFPS_TSPV2.main(

I think there is a conflict between <routing-algorithm value="astar"/> command in the config file and getDistance2D. When I removed the command from the config file, I did not get any problem and the method worked fine but the run with 25000 drivers was too slow, it consumed about 8 hours.

I hope there is a way to solve this problem.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
I. Abeer M. Hakim


Information Technology??Department
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology
King AbdulazizUniversity
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