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[sumo-user] FatalTraCIError: connection closed by SUMO


I'm getting an error using TraCI and SUMO (version 0.32.0). The error code is posted below. I read that with previous version the problem was the mesa library. I tried intalling suggested packages, but it still didn't work. Could there be another problem?

Error code: 

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/annika/kool/Thesis/implementation/", line 336, in <module>
File "/usr/local/share/sumo-0.32.0/tools/traci/", line 111, in simulationStep
File "/home/annika/kool/Thesis/implementation/", line 198, in step
agent.calculateRoute([start, middle, agent.getDestID()])
File "/home/annika/kool/Thesis/implementation/", line 125, in calculateRoute
route1 = traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute(start, edge, speed=speed)[0]
File "/usr/local/share/sumo-0.32.0/tools/traci/", line 350, in findIntermodalRoute
answer = self._connection._checkResult(tc.CMD_GET_SIM_VARIABLE, tc.FIND_INTERMODAL_ROUTE, "")
File "/usr/local/share/sumo-0.32.0/tools/traci/", line 154, in _checkResult
result = self._sendExact()
File "/usr/local/share/sumo-0.32.0/tools/traci/", line 97, in _sendExact
raise FatalTraCIError("connection closed by SUMO")
traci.exceptions.FatalTraCIError: connection closed by SUMO

Process finished with exit code 1

All the best, 



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