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Re: [sumo-user] Steady State Traffic Conditions

Please clarify the minimum condition for 'steady state'.
If you have junctions you generally cannot achieve constant speeds.

2018-05-06 2:29 GMT+02:00 Alan Dee <adandee.sumo@xxxxxxxxx>:

I have a requirement of keeping a small traffic network in steady state for a while during the total simulation time (doesn't matter even if it is throughout the total simulation).
In theory, I know that during steady state headway and speeds of vehicles are almost constant over time, and their accelerations are almost zero. But when a network has junctions, lane merging the state becomes dynamic since the vehicles slow down and create congestion.

Is there a way (or a setting) to keep the simulation in steady state even with the presence of junctions, merging etc. ?

Thank you.

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