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[smila-dev] Migration to Galileo and related stuff


I've just created a branch for the migration of SMILA to Galileo (apart from just being
up to date we need this to include the Distributed OSGi implementation by the ECF project):

In this process I also want to replace some of our own third party bundles by bundles from
Orbit, and especially I want to move to Java 6 as the minimal required version. Apart from
Java 5 reaching it's "End of Service Life" very soon (end of October), today I've again 
encountered problems with our bundles so that I didn't manage to instantiate
StAX readers/writers in all situations and was not able yet to solve this in a nice way 
(and Daniel has also tried this for a day this week without success). I assume that these 
problems would finally be solved if we do not provide our own bundles anymore but just use 
the APIs (and implementation) from the JRE. And the same probably goes for javax.xml.bind & 
co. Or are there any reasons that we should keep this stuff as own bundles? Any feedback is welcome, of course (-;

Have a nice weekend!


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