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[sdv-wg] SDV Process

Dear all,

While I hope you all had a great time over the winter holidays, it is now time for us to restart, as a community, the activities around the SDV Process.

And we'll have a go at it today, through the first meeting of this year, starting at 16.00 CET.
The details of the meeting are forwarded below in case you have missed it in the SDV WG Community Calendar.
On today's agenda we have 2 main topics:
- The "behind the scene" when it comes to the SDV Process and the Maturity Badges Programme - a presentation from our Boris Baldassari
- Topics for the next meeting and the upcoming SDV Q1 Community Days - Open Mic

Looking forward to seeing you there.
With kind regards.

## Meeting Details ##

Dear all,

You are hereby invited to the regular "SDV Process" meeting.
The meeting takes place:
- every two weeks
- on Thursdays
- between 16.00 - 17.00 CET

The scope of these meetings is to help us:
- define the SDV Process (project content quality focused)
- define the evaluation methods & tools
- define the resulting maturity levels and associated badges

The participants to these meetings should be:
- anyone that has any interest, knowledge, experience with processes and automotive standards

Slack channel: #sdv-process.

GitLab Repository: SDV Process Definition

The Agenda and the Meeting minutes are kept in separate files for each meeting and can be found in the repository in a dedicated folder: Meeting Minutes

For the moment, this is just a "special interest group" but we intend to turn all this into a project once it gets traction and it generates some artifacts.

Looking forward to our first official meeting.
With kind regards,

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 1236 8059
Passcode: 102418


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Meeting ID: 815 1236 8059
Passcode: 102418

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Dana Vede

Software Process Engineer | Eclipse Foundation


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Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration


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