In preparation for this, projects that are making a major or minor release (major or minor version number increment) will need to do the following:
1. Create a release page on their project page. To do this, go to [1] and click on the link to your project in the Related Projects section. Make sure you are logged in, then click on the Governance tab. Then click on the "Create a new release…” link. Enter October 1 as the release date, and the version of the release. 2. Either click on “Create and edit” or if you just created the release, click on the release and then the Edit tab. In either case, enter the required release information. 3. In the Intellectual Property section of the project page, click on "Generate IP Log”, complete and send the log information. 4. Schedule a release review. Note that reviews are only conducted every couple of weeks, and there is only one slot left before the end of the month. Please do this NOW! 5. Request approval for a release from the Science PMC (via email) 6. Add your project to the wiki [2] if you haven’t already.
Projects that still need to do this are:
EAVP ChemClipse SWTChart XACC