Great to hear. Ralph's talk sounds very STEM related. Given
both STEM and a session about your OpenChrom were accepted
into the ECE program isn't bad either. Not sure about any
others, but at least 2 this time.
I got Elexis in touch with Eclipse DemoCamp Vienna and they
found it very appealing, but those who work with Elexis
couldn't make it this time. Hopefully at another DemoCamp
Vienna and there could be enough mention of the Science IWG
there, too. AFAIR Vienna University of Technology was also the
place I met Matthias from BfR, now active committers to STEM
during my own STEM presentation. They probably used or
evaluated it at the time, but did not contribute to it then.
Unfortunately Austrian ministry of health and bureaucratic
healthcare insurance bodies related to it have been hostile
and destructive to Open Source in the past (e.g. FSF even sued
them for GPL violation) in a weird illusion, insurance fraud
being supported by the fact that a healthcare software or
parts of it were Open Source
However, several "established" closed-source practice
management vendors secretly providing malware-like trojan
components with their products that violated privacy of both
doctors and their patients could change such views towards
more sympathy for transparent Open solutions like STEM or
Elexis, where users can see what it contains for most parts
Let's hope so and looking forward to seeing some of you at
or around ECE next month,