Dear committers of the RMF project,
I would like to nominate Mark Brörkens as co Project Lead of the
Eclipse Requirements Modeling Framework (RMF) project.
He is a great choice because he
- has has been leading teams that developed commercial Eclipse
based products
- is familiar with the relevant Eclipse technologies and process
- has many contacts in the industry which will help aligning
future development of RMF with the actual needs in the industry
Mark already made contributions to RMF as a committer, and I look
forward to working with Mark in his new role.
According to the Eclipse Development Process[1][2], the Project Lead
should be confirmed by a vote of the committers of the Project on a
mailing list. Please join me in confirming this new Lead, by voting
+1 here on the rmf-dev mailing list (please reply to this message).
The current committers of RMF eligible to vote are:
- Lukas Ladenberger
- Andreas Graf
- Mark Broerkens
- Michael Jastram
I hereby vote for Mark
- Michael
Michael Jastram (, +49 (162) 274 83 94)
Geschäftsführer, Formal Mind GmbH (
Wissenschaftler, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf (
1. Vorsitzender, rheinjug e.V. (