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[rdf4j-dev] SHACL Severity


In SHACL you can have a number of severity levels for a shape (rule). Currently we do not support these.

Does anyone have any recommendation for how to support this?

An example:

A shape with severity sh:Warning is violated. This should not cause the commit() to fail, but there should still be some way for the developer to get hold of the validation report. Currently that report is tucked away in the exception that is thrown by commit(), but in this case no exception should be thrown.

I have been thinking about a few options, all rather bad:
 - log sh:Warning and sh:Info level violations, and do nothing else
 - add a method to the SHACL connection to retrieve the current validation report
 - add a return type to the commit() or prepare() method

Anyone have a better suggestion, or maybe feel that one of the above is good enough?


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