Tentative IP Log for polarsys.polarsys.capella

This tentative IP Log is generated dynamically from automatically collected project information. This information has not been vetted for accuracy by the Eclipse Foundation and may not represent the true state of the IP of this project(s). Please refer to the official approved IP Log(s) associated with the official release(s) of this project(s) for more information.


Send email to the Eclipse Legal team to request changes to the licenses.
  • Eclipse Public License v1.0

Third-Party Code

Corrections to the third-party code tables are made by adding or removing keywords to the CQs themselves. See the how to instructions for more information about which keywords correspond to which tables. Send email to the Eclipse Legal team to request changes to the keywords.

Pre-Req Dependencies

CQThird-Party CodeLicenseUse
8873JAXB API Version: 2.1.0 (PB CQ2686)Common Development and Distribution Licenseunmodified binary
8875JAXB 2.1.12 XJC (one file modified-comment54) (PB Orbit CQ3841)BSD, Apache 2.0, CDDL, Public Domain, MIT License, Apache 1.1 unmodified binary
8877Guava Version: 11.0.2 (PB Orbit CQ7087)Apache License, 2.0unmodified binary
8878LPG Version: 2.0.17 (PB Orbit CQ3653)Eclipse Public Licenseunmodified binary
8879Apache Commons Lang Version: 2.4 (PB Orbit CQ2735)Apache License, 2.0 unmodified binary
8880log4j Version: 1.2.15 (Subset - see all commentsCQ2555) (PB Orbit CQ3560)Apache License, 2.0unmodified binary
8888lcelb-am Version: 2.3.7Eclipse Public Licenseunmodified binary

Exempt Pre-Req and Works With Dependencies

No Exempt Pre-Req or Works With dependencies


This table lists everyone who is, or ever has been, a committer. The only reasons to remove someone from this list are (i) if they never were a committer, (ii) it is a bogus listing such as 'root', or (iii) all the code that person wrote is now obsolete and no longer being shipped. This list must include everyone who committed any code or other files are being distributed in the current release.
Past and Present Active
Name Organization Correction Comment
Jean Barata Thales Global Services SAS exclude
Olivier Constant Thales Global Services SAS exclude
Philippe Dul Thales Global Services SAS exclude
Damien Filliat Thales Global Services SAS exclude
Christophe Gatti Thales Global Services SAS exclude
Thomas Guiu Soyatec exclude
Matthieu Helleboid Thales Global Services SAS exclude
Laurent Redor OBEO exclude
Hakim Sellou OBEO exclude
Boubekeur Zendagui OBEO exclude

This table lists committers who do not appear to have committed any code or files to the project. This is a 'best-guess' table based on the commits explorer data. If someone listed here actually has committed code, please correct the table by making them active.
Consider using the portal to remove Never Active committers.
Never Active
Name Organization Correction Comment
Michel BISPO Thales Global Services SAS make active
Florian Barbin OBEO make active
Stephane Bonnet Thales Global Services SAS make active
Daniel Exertier Thales Global Services SAS make active
Guillaume Gebhart Thales Global Services SAS make active
Benoit Langlois Thales Global Services SAS make active

Contributors and Their Contributions

This table lists, by contributor and then by bug #, all the non-committer contributions. This section is probably the weakest of the automated data gathering because there are so many bugs and so many different ways that people have noted contributions over time.

To note a contribution:

  • Include the contribution as a patch on a bug and add the "iplog+" flag to that attachment.
  • Include the contribution as a comment on a bug and add the "iplog+" flag to the bug. (Note that this will add all the commenters of the bug as contributors and then you'll have to 'exclude' all those who did not contribute. Better to use patch attachments if possible.)

Note that this table includes all contributions that are being distributed in the code. The reasons to correct/remove entries from this table are:

  • The algorithm incorrectly classified something as a contribution when it really wasn't a contribution.
  • The contribution isn't/wasn't used at all. Note that if just one line of a file is used, then the contribution is considered as having been used. If possible, mark the attachment as obsolete in bugzilla; otherwise, use the corrections to make the change.
Please note that if person X was a contributor and later became a committer, he or she will be listed both above in the committer table (for his/her work as a committer) and here in the contributor table (for his/her work prior to becoming a committer).
Ref Size Description
(no contributors)


The information contained in this log was generated by using commit information from the following repositories:

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Made available to its Members for their internal use.

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Note: You should submit your log at least three weeks in advance of your review date or be at risk of postponing the review.

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