Hi Xavier,
We did a 3 year improvement project on this, you can see some public info at
In our case we have very big (50 000 modeling elements like transition, operations, data type, etc.), complex models, realtime issues, we put C code into models,
etc. etc.
Some of our major requirements:
- graphical diff/merge (not XML)
- models stored in Git
- no locking of models required
Background info is we had to find a way to replace a customize proprietary SCM by Git and we couldn’t do this with CDO.
We also had many issues with model locking, e.g. one person has a lock and the rest of the employees are not able to work on this.
Instead of model locks we rely on accurate diff/merge and let users work at full speed, it is the same principle (and speed) as source code modifications, e.g.
no locks in Git.
For system engineering UML models in papyrus, it is ready to use, the fastest way to start would be with an on-site workshop with Papyrus and EMF Compare people
where they can show you how it works with your own models, you can ask Etienne and Sebastien (in CC).
You can also download the latest version of the code and try it but this will require more time.
The big release ready for prime time will be part of the Eclipse annual release in the spring of 2014, Francis (in CC) is now leading this initiative on our
Best Regards,
From: polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of PLAVIS, Xavier
Sent: October-08-13 10:32 AM
To: polarsys-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [polarsys-iwg] one Question on Model Management with GIT
Hello all,
I’m looking forward for some feedback on” how to manage models (UML or SYSML) with GIT”.
Using GIT, we need to have efficient tool allowing making
“diff” on models as well as
At Astrium, we face some problems we the Diff and Merge tools
we have tried,
which are not so efficient on XML files.
Can some of your gave us some feedback on such topics,
we will be please to share experience.
Best Regards
- France (EADS)
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