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[polarsys-iwg] FW: [auto-iwg] FYI: Eclipse IDE for Automotive Software Developers



First I wanted to draw your attention to this work being done via the Auto IWG to define an Eclipse IDE for Automotive Software Developers. Certainly, a number of components in this package seem to be similar to what's required for Polarsys' requirements.


Second, although it is likely too late to try a similar thing for Polarsys in 2012, the group may want to think about defining something similar for future years.



From: auto-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:auto-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ralph Mueller
Sent: January-26-12 2:43 PM
To: Automotive Industry Working Group
Subject: [auto-iwg] FYI: Eclipse IDE for Automotive Software Developers



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