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Re: [photran] Eclipse Kepler make: gfortran: No such file or directory


Thank you for the response.

However,  I did use Indigo, and currently use Indigo, with Mountain Lion.  The steps that I describe were (I believe) exactly what I had to do for Indigo after I upgraded from Lion to Mountain Lion.  I thought what I described below was option 2 noted in your link (shown below).  I have modified the Info.plist file for Eclipse Kepler.

  • Modify the environment for all applications globally. This is done by using the command 'launchctl setenv key value'. You will need to restart the application for the new environment to be picked up. Note that this only lasts until the next reboot. For a permanent fix, edit /etc/launchd.conf and add a 'setenv' line.
  • Modify the environment for the specific application. This involves editing the application Info.plist and adding an 'LSEnvironment' key. SeeLaunchServicesKeys for more information.

  • Is there some aspect of option 2 that I am overlooking?



    On Nov 12, 2013, at 2:53 PM, Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    It worked with Indigo probably because you were using Lion not Mountain Lion. See the following FAQ:


    On Nov 12, 2013, at 3:22 PM, Dan Smith <sdan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


    I am attempting to install Eclipse Kepler to develop fortran code on my Macbook Pro using Mountain Lion operating system.

    After launching Kepler from Finder I am unable to compile fortran code.  I get the following message:

    13:50:37 **** Build of configuration Default for project DEQSOLV ****
    make all 
    make: gfortran: No such file or directory
    gfortran -o hello.exe -g main.f aux.f libddaskr.a
    make: *** [all] Error 1

    13:50:37 Build Finished (took 71ms)

    If I launch Kepler from the terminal I am able to compile successfully.

    I see from searching the internet that this problem has occurred before, and I previously had this problem with Eclipse Indigo.  I have attempted the same solution that I previously used with Indigo, but have not had success.

    I edited the info.plist file associated with Kepler and inserted a path list identical to that found at the terminal prompt.

    Results at terminal are shown below.

    ans-MacBook-Pro:~ dansmith$ echo $PATH
    Dans-MacBook-Pro:~ dansmith$ 

    Excerpt from Info.plist is shown below.

    <plist version="1.0">

    After editing and saving the Info.plist file I typed the following command at the terminal prompt.

    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -v –f /Users/dansmith/Documents/ECLIPSE_KEPLER/eclipse/

    The result of this command is shown below.  I don't know what this command does.  I read that it was required.

    lsregister: processing –f
    lsregister: processing /Users/dansmith/Documents/ECLIPSE_KEPLER/eclipse/

    This same procedure worked previously with Eclipse Indigo but does not now.  gfortran is installed and functioning - gcc version 4.8.2 (GCC).  Eclipse Indigo is functioning (although I am having problems with debug, which prompted me to try installing Kepler)

    Does anyone have any suggestions?  Does anyone see what I am doing wrong?


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