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Re: [photran] "Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine" from Photran 8.0 (Eclipse 4.2) on Mac OS X 10.6.8

Hi Jingshi,

"Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine".

I have a couple of ideas.

First, make sure you have the right version of Eclipse (32- or 64-bit).  You can type "java -version" in a Terminal window to determine whether your Java Virtual Machine is 32- or 64-bit.  Eclipse must match that.

If that doesn't work, it's possible that Eclipse is requesting more memory than your machine can support.  Try this:
  1. Find in the Finder.  Right-click on it, and select Show Package Contents.
  2. Open the Contents folder.
  3. Open the MacOS folder.
  4. Right-click eclipse.ini, and select Open With >
  5. One of the lines in the file starts with "-Xmx" and ends with "m" -- possibly "-Xmx2048m" or "-Xmx512m" or something.  That is the amount of heap space (RAM) that Eclipse will request.  Change the value to something smaller.  Be careful going below 512 -- Eclipse can run out of memory pretty easily.
  6. Save the file, exit TextEdit, and restart Eclipse.


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