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[photran] Variation on Pb with modules in Photran 6.0.7

Title: sincerely_yours.txt
Le 19/05/2011 10:20, DEVEL Michel a écrit :
I have upgraded to photran 6.0.7 and still have a problem with managed make (in an old and complicated project with a "src" sub-directory) with respect to the errors such as
"Could not find a file to match the module name: xxxx"
This time, it is because I have replaced a file xxxx.f90 containing a module xxxx by a file xxxx.f containing the same module.
I have tried to clean the workspace, change build config, rename xxxx.f as xxxx.f90 or as 0xxxx.f but still the same error message.

I have a new simplified version of this same problem:
It was once more with a managed make project under Linux using GCC Tool chain.
This project was working OK.
Then I spent some time editing a file xxxx.f with a module xxxx containing many functions and subroutines, in order to add optional parameters to most of the routines.
At first, it compiled OK with some errors, then I started to have that same message every time I am attempting to build the project
"An internal error occurred during: "Build Project".
Could not find a file to match the module name:
I then tried again to clean the project, change build config => still the same error message.
Then I tried to rename xxxx.f as 0xxxx.f. 
Compilations were occurring again, but at the end, I got
make: ***  No rule to build target « xxxx.o », necessary for « yyyy.o ». Stop.    (translated and edited from French)
I tried to rename the file back to xxxx.f but then "An internal error occurred ... etc...

I also tried to transfer (by copy/paste) the content of xxxx.f in an older version of that file belonging to another project that compiled OK before doing that (managed make project under Linux using Intel Tool chain in a separate workspace in a separate instance of eclipse), but after that, I got the same "An internal error occurred ... etc..." in that project also.
Even more troubling, when I reverted the content of the xxxx.f file from the second (Intel) project and tried to build, the "An internal error occurred ... etc..." kept coming so that this other project also seems to be unusable!!!

If it is the content of my xxxx.f that is causing the trouble, why does it compile again when I change the name and why does it not compile again if I paste back an old version of the content of the file that was previously working???
Sincerely yours,

Michel DEVEL

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