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Re: [photran] how to compile photran?

Hi Hari,

> When I compiled my photran and CDT from CVS, I am getting error in the following file

Two things might be happening.

(1) You actually need to be running Eclipse 3.7M6 (the latest Indigo
milestone) to compile CDT and Photran.  I think our instructions are
out of date.

(2) If you are running 3.7 but still get this error... The anonymous
CVS server sometimes gets out of sync, so it may have some of the
latest source code but not all of it.  Usually, this is fixed within a
day or so, so try waiting a few hours (or a day) and performing a CVS
update on the projects again.

If you have any more problems compiling Photran/CDT, there is a
separate mailing list for Photran internal development issues -- -- so that would
be a good place to continue the discussion, if you want to post there.
 Good luck!


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