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Re: [photran] An internal error occurred during: "Photran indexer" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Title: sincerely_yours.txt
Le 10/03/2011 10:40, DEVEL Michel a écrit :
Le 10/03/2011 09:59, DEVEL Michel a écrit :
The only (minor!) difference with the one you submitted is that in my case both files (main and module) are in the same subdirectory.
By the way, when I enable refactoring in the corresponding Makefile project,
Sorry this was not the line I wanted to quote: the problem occurs in the Makefile project corresponding to the original automated Makefile project that caused the Internal error (bug 339368) not in one corresponding to the small project created for report of bug 339376, which has only 2 files!
The first one is much more complicated with many files, modules, interfaces,...

Sincerely yours,

Michel DEVEL

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