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[photran] Multi-user installation

Hi everybody,

I tried some time ago to install eclipse(helios) with photran. I got everything running as a single user.

Than I tried to do a multi user installation. There is something like a multi-user installation guide. I want to follow the documented scenario #3.

So I got the eclipse(helios) CDT package and installed it in a system area (MacOSX, /Applications). Then I started as administrator eclipse
and followed the installation guide for clients connected to the Internet.

I got photran installed - no problem ;-).

Than I tried to use it as normal user - there are some hints on the fact that Fortran is somewhere installed but nothing is really accessible.

I must admit that I don'T understand the description for installation in multi-user mode at all. For me there is only the descritpion on scenarios, but bot on how to do things.

Is there anybody, who could give more cookbook like recipes on how to do a multi-user installation following scnerio #3?



 Luis Kornblueh                           Tel. : +49-40-41173289
 Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology     Fax. : +49-40-41173298
 Bundesstr. 53
 D-20146 Hamburg                   Email: luis.kornblueh@xxxxxxx
 Federal Republic of Germany

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