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[photran] Cannot setup a project with Custom Makefile with \'include\'

Dear Photran support,

Please help me with the following:

I'm trying to setup Photran to work with DDS libs (
   1. I need Analysis/Refactoring (all the futures should be enabled even for functions from DDS lib)
   2. I need to be able to compile the project whithout changing original Makefile a lot.

By word of original makefile I mean this kind of file:
Name := dds_test
F90Srcs := test.f90

include ${DDSROOT}/etc/MakeVariables
include ${DDSROOT}/etc/MakeRules

this will create an executable ./bin/`tarch`/dds_test

Normally I run this Makefile by executing `make` in the directory with a Makefile.

But when I run it inside a eclipse (Empty Makefile project is used) it gives the following:
 make all
 "REMOTE_HOSTS" must be setup manually or thru /opt/dds/.../bin/gethosts script

 find: `bin': No such file or directory
 make: *** [all] Error 1

When I setup REMOTE_HOSTS as just an error:
 find: `bin': No such file or directory
 make: *** [all] Error 1

I also tried to include all includes files to make transparent to the Photran functions of DDS lib. But I failed.

I failed even with MKL lib (was able to compile only when added a -Bdynamic -llapack -lblas). But no transparency for them as well (in analysis/refactoring meaning).

Please help me to do something with that! I really don't know what to do with.
Again: when I start make from console everything works, but from eclipse it does not :-(. And transparency is very needed too.

Here I attach a sample test.f90

Program test
implicit none
#include <fdds.h>
integer :: ier

!Write to console
ier = fdds_prtcon('Hello World\n\0')

end program test

Thanks in Advance and Kind Regards,
Anar Z. Yusifov.

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