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Re: [photran] Installing Photran on Macintosh -- help needed with Path environment variable


That is weird. If /usr/local/gfortran/bin is on the PATH and the gfortran executable is /usr/local/gfortran/bin/gfortran, it should be finding it from Eclipse.

I forgot... are you trying a Standard Make or Managed Make project?

If you haven't, please try the tutorial for a Standard Make project here -- -- (you will need to use "gfortran" instead of "g95" in the Makefile) and see if it finds gfortran. Also, if you type the lines
    echo $PATH
    which gfortran
immediately after the "all:" line (except start them with a tab, not spaces), Eclipse will print the PATH it's operating under and, if gfortran can be found, its path.

Sorry you're having so much trouble with this. I haven't heard of any Mac users having problems like this before.


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