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Re: [photran] Installing Photran on Macintosh -- help needed with Path environment variable

Hi Bernard,

I believe that the issue is the PATH environment variable. I think it needs to be adjusted so that /usr/local is on the list. Can anyone confirm or correct this and give me blow by blow instructions on (a) which file to change and (b) whether I can use the Textedit app to make the change.

Try this.

(1) At a shell, type "which fortran" and make sure the result is /usr/local/bin/gfortran

(2) Type "sudo open /etc/paths" to open the /etc/paths file in TextEdit. You will need to enter your password first.

(3) Add a line that reads "/usr/local/bin" to the end of the file, save it, and close TextEdit.

(4) You might need to reboot your machine before starting Photran again; I'm not sure.

Let me know if this works for you or not.



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