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[photran] eclipse/photran/PTP and the multithreading

dear all,

I use eclipse 3.4.1 with photran 4.0.5 and PTP 2.1 is installed (but not
configured for the moment) on an opensuse 11.1 x86-64 system with an
Intel i7 920.
I have a code with many subroutines and a home made Makefile, with
FFLAGS_ifort=-fast -C and LIBRARIES_ifort=-lmkl_lapack -lmkl -lguide
If I compile and execute the job in eclipse, the command top tells me
that it can go up to 400% (maximum could be 800% for the i7 920, no ?).
If I compile and execute the same code with the same makefile in a
console, 'top' tells me it is limited at 100%

I remember from previous experiments that to set the number of
concurrent threads for a program, you had to set some environment
variable (+ KMP_STACKSIZE if I remember well).

Q: could someone please remind me the name of this environment variable
and where to find it in the eclipse/photran settings ?

Sincerely yours,

Michel DEVEL

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