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[photran] Photran running on Windows - console output

Dear List

I have built gcc, g++, gfortran and g95 in cygwin from source for students to use the Photran IDE and the "free" Fortran 90/95 compilers.

The problem I have hit is Console output requiring a Call Flush() after every write to output to get any user interaction- the cursor is in the "wrong" place due to a problem wrt pipes / tty. It seems this is an ongoing problem. Any fix in the pipeline?

The other problem is getting gdb to work - I have built gdb but it seems to fail - I am having to tell students about using "trace writes".

The other niggle is having to place cygwin1.dll in each project folder or with risk (update of cygwin) in the windows\system32 folder.

Thanks in advance
Stephen Carr

Computing Officer
School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering
The University of Adelaide
Tel +618-8303-4313
Fax +618-8303-4359
Email sgcarr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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