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Re: [photran] Issues with 3.0


I had the same problem.
Just press RETURN after your "end module blabla". 
That worked for me.



Am Donnerstag 02 Februar 2006 11:13 schrieb Alin M Elena:
> Hi,
> Good job with the editor is indeed much faster and is working.
> Now the issues
> Majors
> 1. Outline view is totally unusable
> for example, the following code (I kept the original highlight)
> will give me in outline the message: Error: Unexpected end of input "
> module blabla
>     implicit none
>     contains
>     subroutine blablas(i,n)
>         integer, intent(inout) :: i,n
>         if (i>=10) then
>             write(*,*,advance="no") i,n
>             endif
>         end subroutine blablas
> end module blabla
> Minor
> 1. the auto-indentation is awful, but I can leave with it
> 2. in the code
>     if (i>=10) then
> i think that 10 is incorrectly highlighted. The same behaviour I saw all
> the time when I use a binary operator followed by a number a=a+1
> 3. the intrinsic functions do not appear highlighted, is it what you
> have intended?
> Keep going,
> Alin

Dipl.-Ing. Henrik Lichtenberg
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
AB 3-13, Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory
Schwarzenbergstraße 95 (C)
21075 Hamburg

Phone: 040 42878 6042
Fax: 040 42878 6048

Email: henrik.lichtenberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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