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[pde-dev] Plug-in Dependency Problem


I am a computer science graduate student at UIUC, working with Prof. Ralph Johnson on an IBM project; we are building an IDE for fortran. 

I ran across a problem related to plug-in dependencies and was hoping someone might know what I need to be doing about it.

Consider 2 plug-ins A and B. I need to call code in plug-in B from plug-in A. So I added plug-in B to the "Dependencies" in plug-in A's plugin.xml file. That worked fine, and I am able to access code as required. However, now I need to call code in plug-in A from plug-in B. When I tried to add plug-in A to plug-in B's "Dependencies", I got a compile-time error that said "A cycle was detected in the classpath of project: <name of project in plug-in A>"

I had added plug-in B to the classpath (and Java Build Path in the Properties of the project) of plug-in A so that I could access code from there in plug-in A.

Does anyone know how I can have this two-way dependency relationship between plug-ins?


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