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Re: [papyrus-ic] 'Escape the maze' Rover Challenge Contest at MODELS'18

Hi Raquel,

Great, I think I've got myself another nice side project to do :-).

While it's not related to robotics, I have run the Transformation Tools Contents at STAF twice, so I have a little experience with prizes for informal contests :-D. I would suggest having multiple Best X prizes, and then an Overall Winner with the best combination. Say, Best Performance, Best Process, Best Models, Overall Winner?

(Of course, it depends on the number of participants and what they submit. With fewer participants we might just do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Sometimes in TTC we have blank award sheets and we come up with ideas to reward what we especially liked about the various solutions on the spot.)

I think that if the contest is about Papyrus-RT and not about the rover, we should allow any robot to participate. However, we should probably set a rule that all the smarts must go into the UML-RT model: it wouldn't be fair to have UML-RT just trigger some predefined routine in the robot.

Kind regards,

Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Engineering & Applied Science, Aston University
Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET
Room: MB211Q

From: papyrus-ic-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [papyrus-ic-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Nicolas Hili [hili@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 26 September 2017 18:43
To: papyrus-ic@xxxxxxxxxxx; Raquel Araujo de Oliveira
Subject: Re: [papyrus-ic] 'Escape the maze' Rover Challenge Contest at MODELS'18

Whaou, so many answers, thanks all for your interest and excellent remarks!

Replying to Antonio, Thanks! I think that's a great idea to provide some information about the environment (Maze topology) and the configuration of the Rover, so participants can plan ahead with simulation tools.  It will be a great added value if the contest not only focuses on the modelling and code generation part, but also on simulation steps that can be used for developping without having to run the Rover.

@Grischa, Frederico, and Cortland: thanks a lot for your answer, it would be a pleasure to have you on board. ET-Robocon presented during Cortland's keynote was indeed really inspiring, and I am sure we can benefit from their expertise to organise such events. That would be great to be in touch with the organizers of ET-Robocon about it, and maybe to see whether they would like to participate.

Questions arise for the organization, model judging, etc.
- Should we judge the quality of models, the completion of the task (be the fastest to find the exit), the toolchain to get the results, all of them?
- Should we organize team/individual prizes, medals, maybe a Rover for the winner?
- Should we only accept the Pololu Rover, or should we also accept custom Rovers? I especially think about the great Mecanum rover of Angelika we had the chance to see during the EclipseCon.



On 2017-09-26 12:21 PM, Cortland Starrett wrote:
The One Fact team is interested.  And we are interested in seeing some information from the MDETools preso applied to the prep for this challenge.  During this workshop a contest called ET-Robocon was discussed.  ET-Robocon is a UML modeling robotics challenge in Japan since 2002 that organizes an event involving over 300 teams.  Perhaps we can learn some things from them (regarding contest format, model judging, etc).


On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Federico Ciccozzi <federico.ciccozzi@xxxxxx> wrote:

I'd be interested in both a) and b)


Skickat från min iPhone

26 sep. 2017 kl. 17:13 skrev Grischa Liebel <grischa@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi Raquel,

Both a) and b) sound good. So I’m willing to join for organisation, or alternatively as a participant.


From: <> on behalf of "Garcia-Dominguez, Antonio" <>
Reply-To: papyrus-ic discussions <papyrus-ic@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday 26 September 2017 at 14:27
To: papyrus-ic discussions <papyrus-ic@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Papyrus IC <papyrus-sig@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Papyrus Project list <>
Subject: Re: [papyrus-ic] 'Escape the maze' Rover Challenge Contest at MODELS'18

Hello Raquel,

I'd be interested in b), but I also think it'd be nicer if we had a way to simulate the rovers running around the maze before running things "for real". If we knew the sensor configuration by then, some of us (myself, if I find the time) could try developing such a simulation before the event.

Kind regards,

Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Engineering & Applied Science, Aston University
Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET
Room: MB211Q

From: papyrus-ic-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [] on behalf of Raquel Araujo OLIVEIRA [raquel.oliveira@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 26 September 2017 10:59
To: Papyrus IC; papyrus-ic discussions; Papyrus Project list
Subject: [papyrus-ic] 'Escape the maze' Rover Challenge Contest at MODELS'18

Hello everyone !

Some of you demonstrated interest in running a 'tutorial-format' day at MODELS'18 (
in Copenhagen, Denmark 14-19 October 2018), in order to disseminate Papyrus-RT in industry/academics. We have met at MODELS'17 just a few days ago, in Austin, and we've mentioned the possibility to propose the participants of this 'tutorial' a hands-on challenge.

Together with Queens' University, we started to formalize a 'maze' challenge, described in the following. Please let me, Nicolas Hili (hili@xxxxxxxxxxxxx), and Juergen Dingel (dingel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) know if you would be interested in :
(a) participate on the organization of the 'tutorial' day
(b) attend the 'tutorial' day
(c) none of the above, but something related, please specify.

'Escape the maze' Rover Challenge Contest (name to be probably changed)

The contest would involve individuals and teams to compete in an maze solving scenario where one or multiple Rovers enter in a maze by the same entrance and must leave it by an exit. The maze will only contain one entrance and one exit. The Rover is the Pololu Rover to use and we will use Papyrus for Real-Time (Papyrus-RT) in order to model the behaviour of the system, to generate code and to execute the code of the Rover. The goal is then to create the model that will allow the Rover to find the fastest way for exiting the maze. Finding the exit will be timed. A prize can be envisioned for the winner who manages to leave the maze the fastest.

Participants can register as individuals or work in a team. For an individual, the goal is to make one Rover exit the maze. For a team (composed of 2 or 3 participants), the goal is to make several Rovers exit the maze. The time is started when the first Rover enters the maze, and stops when all rovers exit the maze. Rovers should be collaborative: for example, when there is a fork in the maze, rovers should follow different paths. Therefore, Rover should communicate so each of them know the position of the other. Once the first Rover finds the exit, it should tell others that it found it and where it is. This information should help other Rovers to find it as well, and possibly to optimize the path to reach it faster. Different maze solving algorithms can be used.

The contest will be scheduled during an entire day:

Proposition of schedule:

- from 9am to 11am: introduction to the contest, introduction to Papyrus-RT, cross-compilation, etc.

- from 11am to 4pm: Papyrus-RT development and test on the physical rovers on a maze that is created

- from 4pm to 5pm: live competition where all teams execute their model on the Rover and try to get out of the maze.

Remind : Please let us know if you would be interested on that.

Our best regards,
Raquel Araujo de Oliveira
Assistant Professor
Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier | France
MACAO research team (Models, Architectures, Components, Agility and prOcesses)
| IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse) | France
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