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Re: [papyrus-ic] [PIC - Product Management Committee]

Prior to the meeting, please have a look at the mind map in the Papyrus IC Tuleap's Documentation for the Product Management Committee.

Regards / Cordialement,


Charles Rivet
Senior Product Manager / Papyrus IC Product Management Committee Co-chair / Papyrus-RT Lead

On 2017-07-11, at 13:31 , PLAVIS, Xavier <xavier.plavis@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Product Management Committee Members
You are kindly invited to join our next Meeting on Tuesday 18th of July (next week) from 17h00 to 18h00 CEST
The goal of this meeting is to define the product management guidelines and  governance for the Papyrus IC.
Everyone one involved or interesting in one of our product can join
Thanks to FlandersMake, Here are the link to the conference
You can also dial in using your phone. 
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The Product Management Committee
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