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Re: [papyrus-ic] Papyrus: performance improvment.

Hi Séb,

thanks for the information!

I'd like to add an additional requirement on the Papyrus-specific indexing component; that is, capturing the cross-file model dependencies among Papyrus models.

Currently, we have to do that in EMF Compare for diff/merge by crawling the workspace building up an own cache. It would make much more sense to have a Papyrus-indexing-component, which provides to EMF Compare the information on which models are actually linked to each other (incoming and outgoing cross-file references), and which is kept up-to-date with Papyrus-specific mechanisms, such as updating the index when relevant changes that affect the cross-file dependencies are applied to the model.

Do you think this fits here and could be added to this work as well? I'm happy to add more detailed requirements in the wiki page if you agree.

Thanks a lot and best wishes,


On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 12:11 PM, GERARD Sebastien 166342 <Sebastien.GERARD@xxxxxx> wrote:

Deal all,


Performance is a working area we are working on regular basis to improve Papyrus. In this context, as announced earlier by Florian on the Papyrus dev email list, we are starting a collaboration with IncQuery. This work will consist of the three following tasks:

·         Task 1. Setting up a continuous scalability evaluation testbed for Papyrus. This testbed will be based on RcpTT tests and Hudson jobs

·         Task 2. Identifying and sharing existing models (UML, notation, css, profile) related to performance bottlenecks in Papyrus. The Papyrus community is expected to share some models, but many performance issues are only present in big proprietary models (Obfuscation will probably be required)

·         Task 3. Integrate a Papyrus specific indexing module based on the VIATRA base-indexer and query engine to improve model navigation and derived feature usage. Based on the 2 previous tasks, there will be an evaluation before and after the model integration to check performance improvements.

You can see all the details here:


We would appreciate a lot to receive your feedback, comments, suggestions, use cases and also to get some examples of model illustrating performance issues.











Sébastien Gérard

Head of the LISE labs

CEA Research Director

Papyrus project Leader (


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