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[] November Updates

Hiho good people, 

Here are the latest news from the OSPO Alliance.

## Presentations / Events / Members

* We presented the Handbook v1.2 at the EclipseCon Europe event in Ludwigsburg, Germany in October. The audience was not huge, but the discussion was highly interesting. You can watch the video here [1].

* We were at the OSOR awards [2] this week (W47). Great event, great projects, great crowd.
  It was interesting to realise that people - especially in the public sector, as this was this event's target - do know the OSPO Alliance and the GGI Handbook. We met many people, from states' ministries to the EU itself, who not only heard about it, but actually have read it and use it to develop or improve their OSPO. We will introduce during our next iteration more content for specific variants of OSPOs, including the public sector.

* Welcome our latest member joining the Alliance: LibreOffice / The Document Foundation [3]!
LibreOffice is renowned for their world-class office suite, and is represented by Italo Vignoli. Welcome!


## OnRamp sessions

* Next OnRamp session [4] on the 15th of December (10h30am CET)
  By: John Whelan — Director of OSPO, Trinity Innovation, Trinity College, University of Dublin.
  Topic: "Case Studies from the Frontiers of Knowledge Transfer in a European University."

* Recordings are available for the last sessions [5]
  - November session, by Boris Baldassari, Eclipse Foundation
    "What’s new in version 1.2 of the Good Governance Initiative?"
  - October session, by Anne-Marie Scott — Board Chair, Apereo Foundation. 
    "OSPO in the Academic World."


## Participate!

As our latest release (GGI Handbook v1.2) was published last month, we are currently working on our roadmap. 
Now is a good time to join the OSPO (r)evolution and contribute [6] to the initiative! Best way to do so is to subscribe to the mailing list [7]. 

The roadmap will be finished by early December. Stay tuned to know our next activities and features!


Thank you for your attention, have a beautiful end of week! 

Boris Baldassari
Open Source Consultant | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH
M:+33 648038289

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