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[osgi-dev] Minutes from Specification committee call 31/01/24

Dear all,

Apologies for the delay in publishing the minutes from last week’s call.

Best Regards,




Amit Mondal

Tim Ward

Christoph Läubrich

Stefan Bischof

Tom Watson

James Hunt

Jürgen Albert

Christoph Rüger


Pull Requests

  • No significant PRs for review

Jakarta WS whiteboard

  • Work continuing with a "TCK first” approach
    • We must take care to review/verify that the TCK only tests specified behaviours once the chapter is ready
  • Christoph Läubrich to produce PDFs for review in future calls

Type Safe Events 1.1

  • Tim has completed specification updates based on the last call
  • Base TCK to remain Java 8 compatible
    • Test cases to be split into multiple buckets so “Record tests" can rely on Java 17
  • Awaiting input from James Hunt for proposed history configuration API


  • #665 Implementation dependencies in API bundles
    • Jürgen suggests closing without discussion
  • #664 - Resource update
    • RepositoryContent is the right place for the method
    • Should Resource have an adapt method?
      • Agreed probably not at this time, as there are no obvious things to adapt into. Also it would be a core change
  • #669 Converter bug
    • Stefan to make a test case before testing the fix
  • #663 JPMS issues with osgi.annotation
    • Using the small API bundles should fix it as they use Automatic Module Name
    • Close this issue

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