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[os-gov-dev] OSS Project Governance: introducing Eclipse OS-Gov

Hiho good people, 

Some time ago you expressed your interest in continuing your contribution in creating a guide describing the best practices in managing and maintaining FLOSS projects. Following up on this, a small group of people proposed to work together to find a suitable place to do so in a fully open, transparent and collaborative way, while still keeping in mind the ultimate goal to submit it to a standardisation body. 

As a result, and following long discussions about IP management, collaboration and standardisation, we want to put forward a project proposal hosted at the Eclipse Foundation: Eclipse OS-Gov [1]. For now we only have a mailing list [2], which should be enough to get us started, gather, and create the real thing, i.e. a GitLab project and IP framework for the work. All details will be soon discussed in the mailing list to find a common agreement and move forward. Project creation is expected to happen in early November.

As discussed, we also prepared a quick form [3] to help us reuse the work done in February in Brussels. 

We ask you to kindly take a few minutes to:
* Check out the form [3] and submit your answer, 
* Register on the mailing list [2], should you want to participate in the forthcoming work.


Please note that:
* You'll need to create an Eclipse account to register on the mailing list.
* This is the only message you will get from us. Any future communication will happen on the above-mentioned mailing list.

Thank you for your attention, have a beautiful day!

Signed: Beth, Deb, Silona, Simon, Tobie, Gerardo, Christian, Boris.

Boris Baldassari
Open Source Consultant | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH
M:+33 648038289

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