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Re: [orbit-dev] disk quota notice

Hi David,

Am 01.02.2014 um 14:37 schrieb David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Its my understanding the purpose of these are to help spot "out of control" growth ... such as if we get "11 used, 10 is quota" month after month ... then we probably need to ask webmaster to increase quota a little ... i.e. "11" is pretty normal, especially as we approach release of SR2 at same time we are working on Luna.

That’s the answer I was looking for. I get these emails quite often and it’s the sysadmin in me that wants them to stop. I read them as notices/warning. If things are in good/acceptable shape then no email should go other. Otherwise you risk that people create inbox filters and stop paying attention.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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