Hi Jan,
yes, we are in the middle of releasing the version 1.2.0. All required steps are documented in the guide here:
Currently the build according to step 5 is running. Afterwards we will continue with the follow up steps.
openpass-sc <openpass-sc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Im Auftrag von Jan Dobberstein Daimler via openpass-sc
Gesendet: Freitag, 13. Dezember 2024 15:45
An: openpass-sc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: jan.dobberstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: [openpass-sc] opSimulation v1.2.0
Sent from outside the BMW organization
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Absender außerhalb der BMW Organisation
- Bitte VORSICHT beim Öffnen von Links und Anhängen.
Thanks, Arun, for merging develop to main and tagging v1.2.0!
Do you know if we have to do something to get the Release v1.2.0 listed on this page?
Releases · Eclipse Projects / Eclipse openpass / opSimulation · GitLab
Have a nice weekend,
Jan Dobberstein
Mercedes-Benz AG
Accident Research, Risk Assessment
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Mail: jan.dobberstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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