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[oniro-wg] MoM - Oniro WG Steering Committee 2022wk17

Dear Oniro ecosystem members,

## MoM Oniro Steering Committee 2022wk17

please find the Minutes of Meeting (MoM), approved today.


Please find on gitlab the approved minutes from previous meetings.


### MoM key points

This are the key points of the meeting

"#### Candidate Program Plan consolidated draft approval

* Please find the Program Plan draft in .pptx , .odp and .pdf versions in this 
folder of the repository: #link <>

* approved 

### Budget proposal

Sharon presents a budget proposal. This presentation will be provided as PDF 
to SC members. Since the members have not had the opportunity to review 
beforehand, it is proposed to postpone any decisions to next SC meeting and to 
consolidate it with the Program Plan.

#### Resolutions

* approve the minutes
* approve the Candidate Program Plan consolidated

#### AoB  (Open Floor)

No AoB

### Oniro WG SC All Members Meeting minutes

#### Program Plan discussion and next step

* Please find the Program Plan draft in .pptx , .odp and .pdf versions in this 
folder of the repository: #link <>

* Agustin presents to the audience and invites comments by the WG members 
participating. No main comments, general appreciation.

##### Links

* #link to the diagram that summarises the relation between specs, initiatives 
and a release <>
* #link Infographic that summarises the process (draft) as well as relevant 
links <
* #link Roadmapping process description (draft) <
* You can find a more detailed description of next steps in the ticket #link: 

#### AoB  (Open Floor)

Agustin mentions two items:

* Specification committee first meeting next week. Please participate. 
* Oniro platform release roadmap process. Version 3 out for evaluation.

Adrian mentions next two main opportunity to meet prospect:

* Keynote Dublin Tech Summit
* IOT Week"

Best Regards

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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